Clean Baby Booty

our story

My name is Lisa Balogh and wife to Justin Balogh. We have lived in Florida since 2010. When I was pregnant with our second baby in 2019 I started to change my mindset about my family’s health and lifestyle.

I attended our local babywearing mommy group when I heard about the cloth journey. As most moms are, I over thought about cloth diapering process and was unsure where to start etc. I knew for sure I wanted to go about it the most-cost effective way and not over buy in supplies. So I consigned my wetbags. And finally just said to myself just do it already! Transparent moment, my husband was not about the journey but was supportive in the best way he could. Bought my first dozen stash and I was hooked! The thought of “Man I should of started this with my first.” Hubby was surprised how much money we were saving and it wasn’t a long process. Happy hubby happy life. Even our water bill didn’t increase.

A friend who had two littles under 3 and one on the way, would go to a laundry mat to launder her family's clothes and diapers. One day she had errands to run and didn't want waste time and such at the laundry mat and asked me if I could wash her stash. And Clean Baby Booty laundry service was created. Loving the cloth journey became a passion for our family, which transpired to helping families save time and money and helping our community.